Gornji Bogicevci, Hrvatska

Current Weather Conditions

15/01/25 11:05:00

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature -1.8°C
Wind Chill -2.0°C
Heat Index -1.8°C
Dewpoint -3.1°C
Humidity 91%
Barometer 1031.2 hPa
Barometer Trend (3 hours) 0.7 hPa
Wind 0.5 m/s from 121° (ESE)
Rain Rate 0.0 mm/h
Inside Temperature 22.5°C
UV 0.5
ET 0.0 mm
Solar Radiation 110 W/m²


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
-1.8°C at 11:03:51
-4.8°C at 04:11:43
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
-1.8°C at 11:05:00
-8.3°C at 04:42:17
High Humidity
Low Humidity
92% at 08:07:00
83% at 01:44:29
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
-3.1°C at 11:05:00
-6.6°C at 02:10:00
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1034.3 hPa at 00:05:00
1030.3 hPa at 07:40:00
Today's Rain 0.0 mm
High Rain Rate 0.0 mm/h at 00:00:11
High Wind 3.1 m/s from 189° at 09:01:50
Average Wind 0.8 m/s
RMS Wind 0.9 m/s
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
0.5 m/s
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
22.5°C at 11:00:54
17.3°C at 06:18:49
High UV
Low UV
0.5 at 10:57:15
0.0 at 00:00:03
High ET
Low ET
0.0 mm at 11:05:00
0.0 mm at 08:05:00
High Radiation
Low Radiation
113 W/m² at 10:56:07
0 W/m² at 00:00:48


About this weather station:
Latitude: 45° 15.51' N
Longitude: 017° 14.08' E
Altitude: 137 meters

This station uses a Meteostick, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.

RSS feed

Mobile formatted

Smartphone formatted

Weewx uptime: 194684 seconds
Server uptime: 194713 seconds
weewx v4.10.2

Today's Almanac
Sunrise: 07:27:07
Sunset: 16:32:47
Moon Phase: Full
(99% full)
temperatures heatchill outside humidity rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside Wind Vector Radiation UV Index day rx percent